While imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we at CPMI take threats to our intellectual property very seriously.

US and international patent laws protect SYSTEM, METHOD, AND APPARATUS Patents such as ours. Through the Trilateral Co-operation, patent protection agreements between the European Patent Office (EPO), the Japan Patent Office (JPO), and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) are in place to protect and administer industrial property rights. Further, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), delivers world-wide intellectual property protection for inventors. The United Nations has oversight of this organization. The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) adds even more teeth to international protection of intellectual and industrial property rights. Our System, Method, and Apparatus patent applications prevent others from simply modifying or slightly altering one of our inventions in an effort to put similar products on the market.

              How serious are we?                                                                                                                      

In addition to these listed protections, Clean Planet Mfg. & Labs has established a BOUNTY PROGRAM that offers rewards to our customers, suppliers, and distributors who report validated violations of our intellectual property. Once such violations are validated, we are poised to launch a minimum $50M lawsuit for each violation, not only against the perpetrators, but also the companies who purchase our products from them. That’s how serious we are.

          So, please, flatter us by PURCHASING our products, not by IMITATING them.


CPMI offers licensing opportunities to industry-related companies desiring to provide our products to their customers. To learn more about our licensing program, contact us at 540.487.9665 or email us at: j.williams@cleanplanetmfg.com